Whether Your Project Duration Is 4 Years, 4 Months, Or 4 Weeks​

We Do It All

Time Lapse

Our consumers always get the finest from the Time Lapse Company. Shooting time lapse videos is the newest addition to our extensive list of services. Stationary cameras are used to create time lapse videos. Over a long period, the camera takes a large number of photographs of a certain location. The images are then digitally accelerated to create a video. In Dubai, the Time Lapse Company offers time lapse services to a variety of businesses. Until now, our main areas have been the growth of construction sites, the installation of massive sculptures, city traffic, and sunsets. Time lapse photography compresses a project’s photos into a few seconds or minutes. We collaborate closely with our clients to create a shooting schedule that suits their needs. The times of putting cameras at our clients’ locations are determined by this schedule. Critical milestones for putting every important point on the map are included in the timetables.

Aside from time lapse videos, we also provide a full spectrum of time lapse photography services, which include the following:

  • Determining the requirements for camera and mounting equipment installation.
  • Daily, the image is subjected to quality inspection.
  • Creating a schedule for photographing for the camera.
  • Using remote time lapse units.
  • Equipment maintenance.
  • Choosing the ideal camera angle for time-lapse videos.
  • Keeping an eye on a variety of construction projects.
  • Data storage.
  • Obtaining all necessary legal documentation, such as permits for decommissioning, installation, and maintenance.

So you are seeking a way to change the course of time? Are you seeking a way to speed up a video that would normally take hours, days, or months to complete? If that is the case, give us a call and we will take care of your time lapse video. We are one of the first-time lapse firms in the UAE.

Why should you invest in Professional Time Lapse

Marketing Tool

Time lapse services in Dubai, we believe, have a big potential for uncovering your market value. This is largely due to the fact that you may show off your work to potential clients in a short amount of time. It can be used as an excellent marketing ploy. They are not only appealing, but they also immediately capture the attention of the spectator while displaying all of your labor efforts placed into a project. We feel that time lapse videos will be the next big thing in marketing because of these factors. It’s a fantastic tool for big businesses. These videos have the potential to be a fun and engaging method to present information about your products and services.

Our Clients

Our team of professionals can cover whatever time period you want, and the images will then be processed to match the needs of a video. Videos can be created for surveys, site content, meetings, social media, and marketing materials, depending on your needs. Environmental monitoring departments are among our clients. Human resources departments monitor the performance of their field players, putting together a project, developing material for a company’s social media presence, and even planning an event. Many businesses benefit from time lapse services in Dubai.

There are numerous benefits of time lapse services and these benefits will be discussed briefly for developing your understanding.


A wide range of services can benefit from time lapse videos. Furthermore, the movies can be seen on a variety of devices to suit your needs. As a result, adaptability is a significant plus!

Reduced visits of sites

Once you get daily performance in such videos then you do not have to visit your construction sites on a daily basis. You can view the progress of each day in a few seconds by the end of the day.

Our Equipment

To provide the finest results for our clients, the time-lapse firm is dedicated to using the most up-to-date state-of-the-art equipment. Our editors have decades of experience editing a wide range of videos for both professional and marketing purposes. As a result, you can count on us to provide high-quality 360 product photography for your company.


Because our time lapse services are of the highest quality, you can use proof to address any concerns in your office. This is due to the fact that these recordings document real-world performance on a daily basis. As a result, it ensures that your staff’s reports are transparent. For making new strategic decisions for your company, information becomes more timely and reliable.

Enhancing exposure

Short videos are the most popular type of material on social media. As a result, businesses in the UAE can use time lapse services to demonstrate their abilities and the amount of effort they put into a project from the ground up. As a result, these videos can be created for the aim of social media marketing. This is a fantastic way to showcase your projects as well as your company’s main achievements.

Improvement of team performance

These films aid in the development of teamwork and team spirit. Time lapse services can be used to evaluate team performance and determine what else may be done to efficiently attain desired results. These movies aid in teamwork monitoring and provide data for improvement analysis.

Covering every angle

For total coverage, cameras can be positioned at various angles. You can receive images of your site and project this way. This also aids in identifying shortcomings in your projects early on, allowing you to correct procedures.

A unique perspective

In the UAE, time lapse services are also employed to collect data. This information can be used in research. They can, for example, be used to read client behavior or to analyze traffic patterns at various city intersections. Time lapse videos can be used to examine any company’s workflow.

The advantages of time lapse services in the UAE far outweigh the expense of their manufacture. So don’t waste any time and come to us for your time lapse video production! Book an appointment with us using the information provided here. Come over and take a look at our work. We’ll talk about some of our recent successes and client testimonials. Then, based on your budget, we’ll create time lapse videos for your company.